Import Data into M2R
Importing requirements for M2R
The import feature in M2R can save you time by avoiding double data entry. The import feature can be used by customers who maintain their accounts in another software package/database, spreadsheet document or other .txt, .csv type files To import your accounts into M2R the data file you are importing must be in a comma-delimited .txt or .csv format. For increased accuracy we highly recommend using a header record in your import file even though it is not required. If you use a header the field names need to match the import field names selected in the import setup. We suggest that you import at least the following information, which is required by the credit bureaus for reporting consumer accounts. Any information which is required by the credit bureau you are reporting to that is not imported into M2 Reporter will have to be manually entered. Highlighted fields are required by the M2R program for importing data into M2R. (Note: actual field data can be imported as blank even for required fields and manually entered later if needed.) |
2. Fields Recommended for reporting Consumer Information
(1)Can be setup as a default or a mapped code
(2)Required for Collection Agencies
(3)Only for accounts with a portfolio type of Installment or Mortgage
(2)Required for Collection Agencies
(3)Only for accounts with a portfolio type of Installment or Mortgage
2. All available import fields
How do I import my accounts into M2R?
- Create your .txt or .csv file for import
- Open the M2R program
- Go to the Tools Menu
- Go to Import Accounts
- Select "From a Text File"
- In the Import File field type in the path for your import file or browse for it by clicking on the Browse... button
- Choose the file format, Delimited or Fixed Length
- Select the
type of import; Add New Records, Update Existing or both.
- Click on the
"Ignore First Line of Data" box if you are using a header record
- Select the fields you are importing from the Available Fields list on the left hand side. Note: if you are using a header record you don't have to worry about the order. If you are not using a header record the order of your Available Fields must be in the same order fields in your import file.
- Setup any Map Codes or Default Codes
- Click on Save Settings
- Click on Import
Using the "Map Codes" feature
2. From the Code Category list choose the field you want to set the default code for
3. From the Default Value list choose the value you want the specified field to have
4. Click the Ok button at the bottom of the window
2. From the Code Category list choose the field you want to set the mapped code for
3. You will now see a list of Metro 2 Codes and their descriptions in the middle of the window
4. To the far right will be a list called Your Code. This list is defaulted with the metro 2 code. For each code that you need to map, change the metro 2 code in the
Your Code list to the code or description that you are using in your import file.
5. Click the Ok button at the bottom of the window
- Setting Default Codes - If the value or code for a specific import field is the same for all of your accounts or if you have some accounts that have a blank value for a specific field you can set a default code.
2. From the Code Category list choose the field you want to set the default code for
3. From the Default Value list choose the value you want the specified field to have
4. Click the Ok button at the bottom of the window
- Setting up Mapped Codes - If you have a value or code for a specific import field in your import file and it does not match the metro 2 value in M2R you will need to setup a mapping code for each value you are importing.
2. From the Code Category list choose the field you want to set the mapped code for
3. You will now see a list of Metro 2 Codes and their descriptions in the middle of the window
4. To the far right will be a list called Your Code. This list is defaulted with the metro 2 code. For each code that you need to map, change the metro 2 code in the
Your Code list to the code or description that you are using in your import file.
5. Click the Ok button at the bottom of the window